Bed Bug Exterminator St. Catharines

Professional and Guaranteed
Bed Bug Control Solutions By

bed bug exterminator St. Catharines


Guaranteed Service


If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customer’s bed bug-free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure bed bugs are gone and our customers are happy. Call The Exterminators Inc. for St. Catharines pest control services.

the exterminators satisfaction guaranteed service

Bed Bug control solutions by licensed and insured exterminators.

Bed bugs are believed to have originally traveled to the United States from Europe in the 17th century. But recently, as you may have heard in the news, bed bugs have made a big time comeback. Bed bugs are fast moving insects that are nocturnal blood-feeders. They feed mostly at night when their host is asleep. Bed bugs are most active at night and will bite exposed areas of skin while a person is sleeping. The face, arms, neck and hands, are common sites for bed bug bites.

Bed bugs can live in any area of the home but tend to be found in areas where people sleep like beds and other furniture. They do not infest the sleeping surfaces of beds as much as cracks and crevices associated with the bed frame and mattress. Bed bugs can be seen mostly in the bed that?s why they were called such name. But they can also infest in other places such as your furniture and other wooden structure in your house or even in any small tiny places that they can thrive. Bed bugs can not fly and prefer to hide close to their hosts when not feeding. Bed bugs can live for up to a year without feeding.

Bed bugs can be very difficult to control, even for trained professionals. Many insecticides are not effective at killing the eggs, so a repeat treatment is often necessary to kill the juveniles after they hatch. Bed bugs can live in our beds, but they are active at night and must hide by day, often under the buttons on mattresses, or in the seams along the edges. They also slip into the slots where the bed frame slides into the headboard and footboard. Bed bugs can live on clothing from infested homes and may be spread by a person unknowingly wearing infested clothing.


bed bug inspection St. Catharines


bed bug identification St. Catharines


bed bug extermination st catharines

Call us today and our licensed and trained professionals will soon be at your doorstep with a guaranteed solution.

Dealing with Bed Bug Infestation

If you are dealing with a bed bug infestation the chance is very high that you have bed bugs in your clothing too. The best way to solve this on your own is by washing your clothes. As it turns out, bed bugs are not very resistant to heat. Washing your clothes at a constant temperature of at least a 48 C can in some way guarantee that the bed bugs might perish from the exposure of high heat. Before you embark on your trip to the laundromat it is a good idea to sort the infested clothes first and double bag them in plastic bags. It is a good idea to notify the owner of the laundromat so that he or she is aware and can accommodate your situation if possible. Another alternative to consider is to scour the market for bed bug laundry treatments and detergents. Another good alternative is to put your infested clothes in blacks garbage bags and let them soak in the sun. There are actual heat treatment bags designed for this very purpose. Please note that these results can vary based on how instructions are followed or the type of treatment used. Professional bed bug extermination by Exterminator St. Catharines is always the best and safest option. 


Bed Bug Signs

bed bugs wall outlet control St. Catharines

Apart from waking up to bites and red bumps, there are other telltale signs that you might be dealing with a potential bed bug infestation. When bed bugs have infested a bed or hotel room, you should be able to clearly tell whether you are dealing with bed bugs. Brown stains on bedding and pillows can be an obvious sign of bed bug activity. Droppings and sheddings between mattress seams can also point to bed bug activity. In very bad cases, bed bugs can leave a musty smell behind created by their scent glands. Bed Bug bites often go unnoticed as they are nocturnal creatures and go on the attack for their next blood meal when the host is sound asleep. They might easily be confused for mosquito bites. If you suspect that you are dealing with a bed bug infestation, do not hesitate to contact Exterminator St. Catharines. to schedule an inspection and extermination.

Bed Bug Facts

bed bug control St. Catharines

The Cimex Lectularius, or the common bed bug, is a bed bug species that primarily rely on blood for their meals. They are often found in places where humans spend the most time sleeping and relaxing. They are not known to transfer any pathogens as disease vectors, but they are able to leave the host in quite an uncomfortable position. Their bites can turn into skin rashes and can cause other allergic symptoms. Bed Bugs measure 4 to 5mm and can cause hosts psychological effects. They have the habit of feeding themselves every 5 to 10 days but can survive in the most extreme cases up to 6 months without food.


Why are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Bed Bugs are parasitic insects that rely on blood as a source of nutrition. They feed on blood every 5 to 10 days and are extremely resilient and are even able to live without anything for up to 1 year in extreme cases. Taking away their food source will not help and their rate of reproduction does not lessen the impact of an infestation. Bed bugs are not known to carry any pathogens therefore there is no evidence that they actually spread disease. Paranoia and phantom bites are often associated with the psychological consequences one has to deal with. Contact Bed Bug Exterminator St. Catharines today for fast and quick elimination of your bed bug problem! 


Tips to Avoid Bed Bug Infestation

Guests checking in into any hotel should be wary of bed bugs. Bed Bugs are not capable of traveling long distances and therefore will often hitch a ride in pieces of luggage or can even hide away in furniture. After arriving at a hotel luggage is needed to be unpacked very carefully because any interaction with a soft porous material can potentially house bed bugs. When coming back home from a well-deserved vacation, the last thing you want to deal with is bed bugs. You need to unpack the luggage carefully in order to prevent the unintended spread of bed bugs in your home. It is often recommended that you start to vacuum the luggage piece before packing to prevent taking any bed bugs with you on the trip and causing an infestation in the hotel that you are staying in. If you indeed are experiencing bed bug problems during the stay of your trip you should notify housekeeping as soon as possible as some hotels will offer you to stay in another room. Since the situation is uncertain you can request the hotel to wash your clothes. Be aware that hotel policies and conditions differ across countries, companies, or area. 

The Exterminators Pest Control St. Catharines

Bed Bug Exterminators St. Catharines

bed bug hiding

St. Catharines Bed Bug Control provides professional and effective ant extermination solutions. Our technicians can deal with a variety of situations and infestations. We offer solutions for bed bugs and other pests. Call us today if you are experiencing ant problems. An exterminator will visit your property to inspect the situation and provide recommendations. Call: 905-581-3773

Bed bugs are a very common problem in the St. Catharines area and neighboring cities across the Niagara region. Bed bugs prefer to infest places that are close to the host to provide them for their next blood meal. Bed bugs are often in places where humans spend most of their time. Mattresses are always the first option for bed bugs as it provides them quick and easy access to the host overnight when humans are sound asleep. 

Apart from mattresses, they are also known to be in couches and other pieces of furniture as it provides them a safe and unnoticeable place to stay hidden in. Bed bugs, as the name implies, often stay in mattresses between the mattress seams. Indication of an infestation can include seeing of shedding when bed bugs molt. These translucent shells come from bed bugs that have grown larger. Every time a bedbug becomes larger during its development stage it sheds a shell. Bumps on the face, stomach, legs, and arm area are also a sign of bed bug activity as these are body parts that are not often covered. 

Removing bed bugs can be a very complicated and involved process as it requires specialized knowledge about the whereabouts of the bed bugs would you want it to be effective. The treatment involves an assessment of the gravity of the situation and a specific treatment plan to eradicate the total presence of bed bugs. Before treatment, we might have to ask you to co-operate to complete pre-visit steps to make the treatment a success. 

Bed bug presence can cause allergic reactions to people with asthma and can create significant discomfort during sleep. To successfully eradicate bed bug presence, hire technicians from St. Catharines. All our treatments are covered under a 3 to 6-month warranty depending on the type of service performed on the initial visit. For more detail, please contact our customer service department for a full run-down at 905-581-3773